Thursday, June 15, 2006

Falo português, português, português e mais português.

We just received our first email from Melanie. Enjoy!

mm well my first week here in the CTM has been awesome! I knew that I would be learning a lot of português but holy cow! I didn´t think I´d be learning this much! We are told here that português is the language that will be spoken in heaven.. and oh.. did you know that God is Brazilian? haha... I only wish I was kidding. :) But yeah, it looks like português is a good train ... I suggest you get on it! So aula (class) is now in session. Here are some new words that i´ve learned this past week:

correr (cohair) to run. What I did at the Dallas Airport after I missed my first flight from San Diego. ( I promise this wasn´t my fault) I had ten minutes to make my next flight .. I was praying the whole time that my connecting flight would be delayed- and my parents also must have ben praying because the flight was delayed and I made it to Brasil! que bom!

azul (ahzool) blue. When we arrived here our first day, we were given an azul sticker on our nametags.. so that everyone knows that we are new. The brazilians call us "smurf" (essmurfee) but I have been glad for the sticker because it means the Brazilians know why my português is so bad... well er.. nonexistent.

minha companheira (minya compenyera) my companion´s name is sister donaldson. We are a really good mix together- her strengths are my weaknesses, and so I feel like we have been able to progress together a lot. When I get a little goofy she is there to keep me in line ... and she tells me that I make her laugh. é perfeito!

feijão e arros (fayzhow ee ahose) Beans and Rice. The staple diet here for everyone at the CTM. They weren´t kidding when they said you jump right into the culture. Most of the time I have no idea what I am eating. It looks familiar... but I don't know what it is. I have mixed feelings about the comida.. i always try at least a little bit though. I am sure it will grow on me!

doença (doenza) sick. What happens when you follow the above diet. But don't worry, I wasn't sick for that long, and I have been able to study every day. Good thing they have soda here though-- It helps keep my stomach calm. No wonder missionaries always have that here.

Abacaxi (abawkashee) Pineapple!!! This has become my very favorite thing to eat here. That and malancia (malansia.. watermelon) which is amazing!!! These two things are probably my staple diet.. I have a huge plate of them at every meal, todos os dias. Yum!!

Caridade e paciência (caridodgee ee paseenseeah) charity and patience. These would be the two words I would use to describe my brazilian roomates. They are awesome! THe only english they speak is "hi" and so at first it was really hard to communicate. But they are so patient with me- I can actually hold conversations with them. (which consist of 20% of actual português, 50% of what I think is português, 20% of italian, and the other 10% is made up) But they are so sweet. They help me read from the Book of Mormon every night, teach me new words, correct my pronunciations, and then lie to me and tell me that my português is really good. ha! We talk ALOT and one of them has made me promise to come visit her someday in the Amazon... twist my arm ... I'd love to!

falar (fahhlar) to speak. Thats all I do. Talk to Brazilians. We have brazilians for teachers, we eat with brazilian missionaries, we all live with brazilians... fantãstico! I love them already. They are so much fun to talk to- and soo happy! I love it!

futebol (foocheeball) soccer. So Brasil played their first world cup game yesterday and they won. Don't worry, I didnt watch the game, I just knew the score because before the game, at half time, for their gol, and at the end there was MASSIVE explosions and fireworks going off everywhere. São Paulo is crazy already, and then add some fireworks to it... maddness. I loved it. I think I will be cheering for Brasil this world cup, because frankly futebol is life here, and I don't want to get hrut. Go Brasil!

Espirito (espeeritoo) On a more serious note, the spirit here has been so strong here and I have grown so much this past week. Since I was set apart last monday night I feel like I have been perfectly at peace. It's great because I can bear my testimony and pray now in português, and this is sooo exciting. THe spirit is still so strong, but I havent been crying like I usually do (shocking I know.. ok so maybe I have cried twice) BUt I have been so excited that I can feel so at peace, and so incredibly happy... and be able to share my feelings without getting too emotional. I know this is is a blessing that has come from this calling!

Todo Bem! (Toe dow bem) Its all good. I am so glad to be here... I miss you all just a little bit, but I love this chance to serve the Lord. Eu sei que Jesus Cristo é nossos Salvadores! Ele nos ama... You are all in my prayers!
I love you all!
Sister Melanie Anne Monroe
Ps. I cant get emails from friends in the CTM, so write me letters please! Obrigado!


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