Tuesday, April 03, 2007

5 is right out

Anyways... that’s a quote from Monty Python... not so sure why I thought of that now. But anyways, this week flew by, and so I will do a little list of alguns coisas that happened this week-

1. General Conference- so amazing! We got to go to it on Sunday, 4 hours of sitting! Wow... I am not going to lie, that was kind of nice! Ha-ha. But it was so incredible to sit there, and see these inspired men talk. I had never noticed it before, but these apostles have such great light in their eyes- they are so pure and so powerful! It was awesome because I sat next to our pesquisador, Carol, who unfortunately couldn’t be baptized this past weekend, but she just looved conference. She got goose bumps as she saw President Hinckley for the first time- and asked me to show her where Salt Lake City is. She is setting a goal to save up money so one day she can travel to Salt Lake City to see conference. Wow... can you imagine the sacrifice that will take? She is so incredible.

2. In another news, I think it is getting hotter. I didn’t think it was possible, but I find it ironic that it is suppose to be fall here... but meanwhile it is raining less, and I am burning more.

3. I think some time of bug is going around for sure. My brother Mike was sick last week, and so was my companion Sister Labadie. We had to spend half a day in house... which was really weird. I spent the time reading and trying to help. It was weird to have extra time to read.

4. Oh yes, one day we were trying to find an address, and this old grandma, Avo, asked me if I was the MOTHER of Sister Labadie. I must be aging a lot on my mission... But I didn’t know I was looking that old! Sister Labadie tried to comfort me afterwards by telling me the avo must have been a little bit blind... yeah... we had a good, good laugh about that. Sister Labadie tells me it’s because I am taller. Height does seem to be associated with age many times here in Brasil. Por que? Eu não tenho idea nenuma.

5. We had some incredible miracles happen this week- We have been praying and praying for months now that Bobby could have a dream about the gospel. He comes to church all the time now, but he is an espirito... oh brother... which basically means he believed in reincarnation, and a load of other ridiculous nonsense. But he has been starting to change. And this last week, he told us he had a dream- where he heard voices talking about the Book of Mormon, that it is symbolic. So now we are telling him he needs to pray about baptism... it was such a great thing to hear though- to see how our prayers are answered, with consistence and patience. He is an incredible man, it is so sad to see him so trapped with 32 years of false teachings- he really does desire to know the truth, but unfortunately the teachings of man are so much easier to accept sometimes. But he is progressing, and we are praying that he can have another dream very, very soon.

6. We are also working a lot with Carol; she is having a really hard time with her ex boyfriend. She told him to leave, but he wont leave... which makes it hard because Carol cant be baptized until he leaves... which makes it really hard for her- because she is doing everything in her power to make him leave. So we are praying that this can resolve this week.

Anyways, we keep pressing forward here. I feel so blessed to be on a mission- I can’t believe that 6 months have already flown by, I was remembering my last general conference here in brazil- and how big of a headache I had after conference from trying to understand it in Portuguese. It went a lot better this time, thanks to the gift of languages :) I love Basil so much! Everyday I am overwhelmed by the beauty here- and how much the Lord loves the people here. I see it everywhere, and I am amazed to see how the Lord puts prepared people in our paths everyday... Yay for Brasil!!! Eu amo!!!

Entao, acorde e convide alguem para ouvir o mensagems do evagenlho. E tão importante e vai mudar a vida duma pessoa- eu sei com certeza!
Eu amo cada um de voces!

Com amor e muitos beijos-
Sister Melanie Monroe


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