Monday, June 04, 2007


Well if anyone (besides Michael) can figure out what that says, they get 5 pesoca! (The best peanut candy ever) This week was for sure one of those weeks that you are glad to get through. But it was awesome- I had a few exciting/ funny/ strange things happen. So here it goes- here are things that I actually heard people say this week-

"Voce consigue ver ele? Eu não consigo." (Have you seen Him? I haven’t seen him!) A little girl told us this as we were teaching her grandmother about prayer. She was so upset that she hadn’t seen God when she prayed... we tried not to laugh and told her that generally people don’t see God when they pray... only prophets. But it was so funny to hear how dismayed she was that she couldn’t see God- " Eu não consigo."

"Este escritura e muito boa! Sabe porque? Porgue eu temo homem." (This scripture is great, you know why? Because I fear man!) We read 2 Nefi 8:12 with Maria, a mother of a recent convert, and it talks about not fearing man. Well, in short terms, Maria is a hypochondriac, and she has diabetes, and has a great fear of doctors... but she still goes to the hospital everyday. But it was great because after months of asking her to go on visits with us and her never going; she went on 2 visits with us this week! And she bore her testimony about scriptures and the church- it was fantastic! And two of the families that she helped us with went to church! And loved it! So that was waay exciting!

"E eu olhei e vi que este não é italiano, é romino." This would be Danilo, who continues to amaze me. He was telling me of a cool experience he had this week- he is a doctor and so has to be constantly reading articles in English, Italian, and Spanish- and he needed to read an article about a certain drug, it was important. So he found an article about the drug, it looked like Italian, and he began reading, and understood everything that he needed to- and when he finished, he looked at the end, and saw that it wasn’t Italian, but Romano... a language that he doesn’t know! It was so awesome- I told him it was a gift of the spirit, and he just beamed!

"Sister, sister, sister, sister!!!" This would be Sister Menezes, shouting my name on Saturday morning... I had a bit of an interesting experience. We moved our fasting Friday to Saturday, thinking that would be better for us. Well, I didn’t feel so hot going into the fast, but let’s be honest- doest anyone feel healthy when we fast? No. So anyways, there we are fasting and Saturday when I woke up I felt really, really weak. So we were getting ready for the day, and I was in the bedroom with Sister Menezes when I suddenly passed out. I guess I was out for 2 minutes or so, and I woke up sooo confused... I woke up talking Portuguese, a true miracle, but I had to think for awhile to remember that I am in.... Brasil... I am.....a missionary ... my companion is.... Sister Menezes... yeah it was a bit funny. I have had the worst headache since then, but I was able to have a priesthood blessing which was incredible. Danilo gave it to me!! That was so cool, he got the Sacerdocio Melchesideque 2 weeks ago, so this was his first blessing. It was sooo incredible, Lia sat there with us, watching, and we all cried, the spirit was so strong. And I felt so much better afterwards; the headache is just a dull roar now.

So anyways, these are just a few things that happened... there are a dozen of other things that happened, but I couldn’t really do them justice. I love being a missionary; I love the power of the scriptures- I think Nefi and Capitao Moroni wrote some of these scriptures just for Sister Monroe! I love the power of prayer, it is so real, Heavenly Father is so close, just waiting to talk to us, we just have to begin.

Be Happy, Be grateful! And remember that I love you all. I am grateful for your prayers- Have a fantastic week! (Oh and by the way, in 3 days it will be 0ne year that I am here in Brazil!! HOLY COW!!! Misericordia.)

Beijos... não!...ate
Sister Melanie Monroe


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