Monday, December 18, 2006

Natal, Natal, Natal, Feliz Natal!

Queridos... Wow I cannot believe it is only one week until Christmas! What happened to December: (Pretend this is a question mark, this computer doesn’t have them.) And what happened to the year 2006... I was thinking of where I was exactly a year ago... wow sooo much has happened since then!

I am so grateful for P days... Today was a day that I was just needing a little pick me up- and all of the dear emails that I received from family and friends was exactly what I needed to hear... Thank you thank you! It is amazing that we can be so far apart, and yet each of you write a little something to me that inspires me to be better. My family made several comments of how I have changed a little bit in the past 6 months- I guess I have. I don’t feel like a really different person- but to think of where I was, and the person I was a year ago- I could really see the change in that.

As far as things that happened this week- I just wanted to mention a few things more about brazil... Did you know that there are at least 5 types of mango: actually I think there are more? But wow, the mango season is only a few months, and so I have taken full opportunity of eating lots and lots of mangos. I will be sure to make a video of me eating a mango and send to my family- because eating a mango is quite an interesting thing. It’s messy. i cant remember if I already wrote about this, so I will stop! haha.

I had a great day yesterday- this past month has been quite humorous because the past 4 Sundays I have had to do several things with five minutes ( or less ) notice. The past 3 weeks I have taught the youth here- all of which are lessons in the Old Testament. It is quite humorous learning old testament names in Portuguese- I thought there were hard in English. It looks like Mike and I gave the same lesson yesterday about Daniel and Ester. But I never even made it to Ester. haha. I loooove teaching the youth!! I have grown accustomed to teaching in Portuguese- we alternate teaching the Gospel Principles class- but I love teaching the youth more- because I think they are at such an interesting part of life. They have soo may decisions, and so I love talking with them. We have a good time- and they are patient and helpful with my Portuguese pronunciation of the bible! haha!

And yesterday I had a double surprise- in that I had to give a talk in church. The bishop asked Sister R. Silva and I to give a talk right before sacrament meeting- and this is surely a sign that I have changed and grown the past 6 months- I prepared a talk in a few minutes, and felt calm and fine about. Because I have grown to realize that its not what I say, but what the Lord has to say. Its the spirit that will testify- and so I have stopped worrying about teaching or giving talks. It was great- and a thoroughly enjoyable experience- not to mention a very spiritual experience as I felt inspired to say what the Lord wanted said. It was awesome!

The best thing about Sundays is to see how your recent converts are doing. Benedito- my first baptism here- was just glowing. He is in a wheelchair- but just jokes and jokes. He recently told a doctor to cut off his other leg because he was tired of the pain. He was a bit upset when the doctor said he just couldn’t cut off his leg. haha. Yeah, he is awesome! irma Rosa is soo strong right now too- She is so friendly and cheerful with everyone- she gave the prayer in gospel principles (I wasn’t there for this- I was teaching the youth) and in her prayer she thanked the Lord for helping her find the one true church. it is just so exciting to hear your recent converts grasp that! So that was awesome!

in other quick news-

-We had the Christmas ward dinner here. There is always drama in this ward... and this was no different. haha. I can only laugh. But it was well prepared, we had an AWESOME turnout- with several pesquisadores, it was awesome- it was the first time I have eaten dinner in Porto Ferreira. I felt to sick afterwards! I like sticking to my fruit! haha.

-Fernando and Luciana had a miracle this week. They were all set for divorce on Thursday- we were praying and praying for a miracle- and the judge decided to give them one more month! Wahoo!! We are continuing to pray that Luciana will have a change of heart....But the Lord will continue to work miracles- I just have to continue to let go and rely on the Lord.

-I had my first experience with an evil spirit. It was wow..... I can’t adequately describe this in an email- this is going to have to be a story that will wait for after the mission. But I learned once more how real the evil spirits are.. and how much more powerful the Lord is. Where there is light, there cannot exist darkness. But it was an experience where I felt my mind grasped a tiny bit of how much more there is to our life here. I felt no fear, and felt completely protected.. Ok just so my mom and dad wont worry- we were teaching a lesson to a woman and an evil spirit entered her and started talking and shouting- she fell to the ground- it was quite sad for her. But I just felt that there was something so much greater there with us- I really cant adequately describe this.,... sorry! But wow.. it was no words!

Ok, I think I better go, Sister R. Silva is always patient with me as I write my long letters haha, so I will try to make this one short for her! But Merry Christmas to you all- I don’t know if I will be writing next week because I WILL BE TALKING TO MY FAMILY!!! Ok. I just couldn’t help myself on that. I am just a little bit excited! It will be interesting to see how my English is. haha.

But I love you all, thank you thank you for being in my life- all of you are so dear to me, and I thank my father in heaven for the support and love I have felt on my mission.

I know this church is true. That is such a simple sentence, but I am continually amazed that I am allowed to help in this work to help others now that there really only exists on church on this earth. There is one gospel. There is one baptism. There is only one of each of you- each of you is a beloved daughter or son of God- and he gave each of you your individual talents and challenges for a reason. There is one Father in Heaven, and one Jesus the Christ, our Brother and Savior who can bring us home to live together. I am so grateful for this knowledge in my life, and I wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year! Boas Festas! Happy Christmas! Feliz Natal!!

Com Muito Amor,
Sister Melanie Anne Monroe

Monday, December 11, 2006

Milagres (miracles) happen once in a while...

Ok, so this past week I had so many small miracles happen that it’s hard to start naming all of them- but maybe we can just go for some bullet points of miracles, and other awesome things that happened in my week! (By the way, my brother in law Peter mentioned that my spelling is rather atrocious. my apologies to all... there is no spell checker on this program, but I am afraid that my brain has become rather fried in this constant transition between English and Portuguese! there is my lame excuse! haha)

-We had a miracles baptism! Ok... so I know that every baptism is a miracle, but this one was truly a Christmas gift from God. Fernando is a husband of a menos ativo Luciana, and they came to church last week- out of the blue. I knew that Luciana was baptized last year, but I had never met here in my 5 months here, and hadn’t had a chance to find her. Anyways, they randomly came to church together; they are having a really hard time in their marriage. So we quickly began teaching Fernando, challenged Him to baptism- and promised him that only through the gospel that they can resolve their problems in the marriage. The spirit was so strong in all of our lessons, and I learned that it is truly the Lord that prepares people for us- because the Lord gave him the strength, and the faith, to be baptized.

It was an interesting week, because He really wants them to be reunited, and it is the wife, Luciana, that is having a lot of the problems. We are praying for another miracle that she will have a change of heart this week- On Thursday they have a meeting with the judge that will either be a new beginning for them- or an ultimatum. I have really learned with this experience not to lean to my own understanding and put complete trust in the Lord- and with Him we can have the victory. This really is a complicated story, and I don’t have time to go into details- but lets just say I will never forget the moment when, on Sunday afternoon as we sat with Fernando in the church, (He was determined not to be baptized, even though everything was ready) and we talked about faith. The spirit was so strong, and he suddenly slammed a cup on the table and said- Eu vou batizar!! (I am going to be baptized!) Less then 10 minutes later He was baptized with just a few people there. (Luciana wasn’t even there) I am really not doing this story justice, but it was such a powerful experience- and truly awesome!

Ok that was a huge miracle, and another miracle happened when one of our recent converts- Allessandra was confirmed. It is so interesting to see what happens after baptism- you really have no, no, idea what people will continue firm, and who will have problems. I think that why it is so important to trust in the Lord and invite all. Because the people I thought would be strong, have problems. And the people that I thought would be weak, or strong. It is so interesting. So yes, Allessandra, a lady who was baptized like a month ago, was confirmed yesterday which was a great, great blessing. She was like a different person- like the Allessandra we taught and knew for 2 months. It was a day of triumphs!

-Another small miracle- the Lord has really helped me to know what to say this week. I have learned and given more advice about marriage, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes... this past week then any other time in my life. Highly ironic since I know nothing of all of the above, but it has been awesome- and at times a bit amusing- to hear what comes out of my mouth! Its been quite funny giving marriage advice- we all know I have my own relationship problems (need I remind all of my dating life before the mission? haha) But I really could see how much I have learned about relationships thus far on the mission- when you live with someone else for 24/7, you learn things eh? It has been great!!

-Another small miracle- I heard my favorite song of all time - u2 With or Without you. I was in heaven. We were walking to a neighborhood about an hour away; we walk there about 3 times a week now. But yeah, we stopped to buy an apple, and this song was playing in the supermarket. I about died... and couldn’t move from the spot for a few seconds! :)

The only thing better happened with a lady who works there asked us if we were missionaries. I thought she had said something else- she had a weird accent- and said no. haha! But Sister R. Silva quickly said yes, yes! haha, and we began talking with her, and she said she felt something different when she saw us. The spirit is so strong with this calling, that at times I forget that this spirit is something new to others. It really was a powerful reminder of how great this calling is!

-Ok so this is not a miracle- but something awful, awful that I had to eat this past week. I forget the name of it- but it is stomach lining of the cow. Yes. There are no words to explain how horrible this is.. lets just say its long, really slippery, and feels like you are eating some kind of rubber with mushy things on it.... I have had to eat it twice now, but the other time I managed to escape with only one part. The worst thing is that its a delicacy here- and so my comp. loves it! And the people who give it to us love it, and I know that they made it special for us- its a way of showing love- so I have to pretend that I love it. I hope this isn’t considered lying! haha! But I felt so sick afterwards.

- The good news is that I have about 40 mangas in my fridge waiting for me. Yes, that many- I eat so many! So the fruit is awesome- stomach lining- not so much. blah. But I can’t complain, I was reminded this week that to feed us missionaries is a huge sacrifice for many of these families. They really don’t have money. I learned this past week that a good salary here is less then 1 dollar per hour. So I really can’t complain about anything that the members give us to eat- it really is a sacrifice on their part!

Anyways, I better go, I am hungry! haha.. But I love you all! I can’t believe that Christmas is in 2 weeks- Happy Christmas to all! Boas Festas, feliz natal! Thank you soooo much for all the letters, and emails I received today, I was so happy- letters are so much better then any other present!

com amor
Sister Melanie Monroe

Monday, December 04, 2006

Transfers Fake Out

I no longer remember how to spell many things in English. Just thought you all should know. The Other day it also took me three tries to remember how to sing “I am a child of God” in English. I hope this means my Portuguese is getting better!!

But anyways, yes I had a transfer fake out last night... We thought for sure I would leave, or Sister R. Silva... I have been in Porto Ferreira for 3 transfers- that means almost 18 weeks here... but to our great surprise and "grande shock" as they say here... we are here for one more transfer- together! At first I didn’t know what to think, I think secretly I was hoping for a change… but the Lord has quickly reconfirmed that I need to stay here. And that Sister R. Silva needs to be my companion.

Like all good companionships- we have had our ups and downs- but we are growing closer and closer. It has been a privilege to serve and learn from her- even if at moments I want to kill her. Ha-ha... not really, but really, she is like family. We all know that at moments we get frustrated with our closest family members- but we have really learned to overcome, and are continuing learning to overcome and work together. We have had great success here, and I am sure we will continue to have great success!! I am excited- it means I will have Christmas here in Porto Ferreira! Although it hardly seems like Christmas... it is ridiculously hot. I am always sweating.

But I thought it would be good to have some more newsy updates on life here in Brazil. I have a good friend Jamie who is on a mission in Chile, and her mom sends me her blog, and I loved reading about life in Chile.. so I hope all of you enjoy reading about life here. I forget what is different at times- but there are really so many new things.

For instance- a salad that I love here is a salad of beets and carrots. Do we eat beets raw at home? do they even sell beets at the supermarket? I don’t know. But beets are soo good- they shred them up with shredded carrots, and put some seasoning with them- and it’s amazing!!! They also sell seasoning packets all ready here.. I think I will buy some of them to bring home with me because they are really good. They use them for everything- its a staple along with rice and beans.

Oh and apparently my skin is changing. For the past few months my fingers and toes are really, really yellow... like the skin is yellow…and I was wondering why, but wasn’t particularly concerned. Well at conference this past week another sister showed me her hands- and she has the same yellowish skin! She says it’s because we eat a ridiculous amount of papaya! Well to us it’s normal, but apparently there is a vitamin in papaya that turns our skin a bit yellow, harmless really, but just funny. Proves that I am eating a lot of fruit eh?

Hmm… and I don’t know if I ever shared this- many members here call me Sister Moroni. Apparently this is a lot easier then my name. I find if a bit flattering, and a bit funny. There is one women here- Irma Rosa (who is awesome! she is our recent convert) who for the life of her cannot remember my last name. She calls me Sister Mel. We try to help her remember but Its just so funny… mel is honey here… and so she likes saying sister mel. She thinks it’s hilarious. We have given up- because it’s interesting; all of the members here go by their first names. Its not brother Jones or sister Warcup here... no, here it would be sister Julie or brother Richard... I guess Sister Shelli was right all along. I like it a lot better to- it feels more like family. Just kind of interesting eh?

Another funny thing is that I find myself randomly saying words in English... like I will be talking all along in Portuguese and randomly say one word like dog, in English. I think its because I am starting to think faster in Portuguese, and so randomly words just pop out. the funny thing is that I don’t recognize it at times- it all seems normal to me. Sometimes kids speak English to me, and I want to speak english back to them, and speak Portuguese. The language is improving soo much- which is very, very exciting to me!! I am excited I have 6 more weeks with a Brazilian to improve my accent and hopefully have the awesome northeast accent she has.

OK, one last funny thing- I saw sister Donaldson this past week in conference- my first companion in the CTM. That was soo much fun, we laughed about how we had changed, and it was soo great. She had pierced her ears- something I had tried to get her do when we were in the CTM. When I asked her why she had done it- she said she realized that she wanted something to prove she isn’t a member of the Assemblea here…another church that doesn’t pierce their ears, use makeup, cut their hair, use clothes that are really pretty.. you know that kind of thing. So its funny- she was saying how she has learned that she has to enjoy some of the things of the world to show that we can.

I laughed so hard at this, but its true- there are so many weird, weird churches here… churches that believe all kinds of weird things- I could name so many that I have heard of, and so many ridiculous stories I have heard of weird languages, people falling down, oh where to begin. And so the good news is- WE all picked the RIGHT church! There really is one gospel on the face of the earth, one church that is true- and that is the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! I am so grateful for this chance to help spread the joy and truth that at times I have taken for granted. We have soo many blessings, so many blessings that we are part of this great work.

The times is flying by- I can’t believe its already been 6 months… what happened to these 6 months? But then if think of the experiences I am having. The chance I get to help others, and to help myself grow everyday. There are so many sorrows which at times we feel, I truly have never felt more responsibility or burden at times, but then to see our recent converts grow- to see people who truly have been prepared for us- and to see the spirit work in their lives- if something so beautiful, that there are no words to describe this joy. The gospel is true because it changes hearts. It changes people. No money, no present, no doctor or person could do this. Only the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for the change it has made in my life- and pray that each of you can find comfort and joy in the light of this gospel in this Christmas season!

Feliz Natal (from a sweating, manga shuping, yellow fingered missionary)
Sister Mel Monroe (Or Sister Mel, or Sister Moroni! haha)

PS. Linds! Congrats on the call! Sister McAllister and Thomas family and Josh Every and Jennifer... a letter is on the way! Thank you everyone!!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

A Grande Discupe!

(From a letter Nov. 27, 2006)

Hello one and all- First off, I guess I owe an apology, it seems that my last few letters have been a little off. I think that 2 weeks ago I wrote a letter that was a bit down, and then last week, I didn’t really write at all (Well I wrote a missionties letter that my mom will post later) And so... I guess I have a bit to catch up everyone on.

First off, I am doing awesome! It is true that I have had...err... a bit of ups and downs here in Porto Ferreira. It has been a struggle, but for some reason or another, the Lord has been amazingly mindful of us here, and has blessed us with much success. I have been overwhelmed with the blessings he has poured upon the branch here the past 2 months.

The past two weeks we have had more people come to church then all of this year. The branch is growing- people are returning back to church- and the attitude is changing. We had 88 people at church yesterday... which is a MIRACLE. As I sat in church I felt overwhelmed as I looked at each member and realized how much I truly love each member- and how grateful I am that the Lord has allowed me to see so many people join the church, return to church, or just grow stronger in the church. We have had many members helping us teach lessons these past two weeks, and giving us referrals- it is a different place. The past 16 weeks almost every Sunday has been emotionally exhausting- but yesterday I felt so different- I felt so overwhelmed with joy. I felt so excited to see how the church changes ordinary lives. With the gospel we become different- we become unordinary- we become children of Christ- and we radiate His love.

Anyhow, the work is awesome here- we have been finding a lot of new people- and working really hard with the members- once again the struggle is always getting people to go to church! We have also been working really, really hard with our recent baptisms- Irma Rosa and Irma Alessandra and Paulo, Jefferson, Naiara and family, and Milena. We want to make sure that they are strong, strong in the gospel. It is amazing to see how just a few weeks with the gospel can create huge changes. To see how Naira and Jefferson and Paulo are different- and to see Milena just have a glow about her- and to see Rosa grow in knowledge of the gospel- is such a beautiful thing. I think that is what I am most grateful for today, that the Lord has let me stay long enough in Porto Ferreira to learn to love these challenges- and that he has strengthened me and even allowed us to have success here. And then to see these people- these beloved children of God progress in the gospel- it is truly the most beautiful blessing I could of ever asked for.

Anyways, that’s a summary of the work the past two weeks- but I thought you also might enjoy a summary of the fun going ons, also...

It is officially mango season!!! (manga) I have been eating a ridiculous amount of mangos. And the thing I love about mangos is that you don’t eat them… no, you chupe then. (say it shoop) There is no way to eat a manga without being ridiculously messy, and afterwards you have the stringy manga things in your teeth… something I don’t really like, but I love manga and so I cant complain! Manga juice is also hmmmmm amazing. There are tons of new fruits here… I never recognize all of the fruits at the supermarket... I ate a fruit the other day- macacauba… or something like that- it tastes kind of like hazelnut… but its a fruit!

Last Pday we had a super pday, and we went on a little outing/hike to see a waterfall in a nearby city- Pirassununga. To be truthful I was a bit grumpy at first, because I didn’t really want to go, I wanted to rest and write letters and read letters from the family and friends...but that’s why you have a companionship- and Sister R. Silva wanted to go. It ended up being awesome! So I am really glad that Sister R. Silva put up with my grumpiness a bit. (Ok some of this also attributed to the fact that the elders were supposed to meet us and we waited FOREVER for them.ugh.)Anyways, ha-ha, It was a beautiful waterfall! And I felt a little bit more like I was in Brazil... it was quite a hike down, and quite a hike up... and unfortunately, Sister R. Silva and I paid for this whole week...our legs hurt a bit! Sad for all of this walking we still weren’t in shape for this little adventure. ha-ha. It was awesome!

As far as other funny tidbits- I thought it might be good to write about some other Brazilian funnies... They love, love, love condensed milk. They use it soo much, and often times they just eat it straight out of the can. They also love chocolate milk- Sister R. Silva has chocolate milk (cold) almost every breakfast and night. I think she is starting to cut back though. They also love crackers- like Oreos. They can eat a whole package in one setting, but everyone always has crackers. Also, many of them think dreams or very real. Who am I to say that they aren’t real... but I find it a bit odd that every dream has a deep hidden meaning. I laughed when Michael said that everyone shares their dreams with him... so true!!!

Anyways, that’s a bit of everyday life here in Porto Ferreira- we have transfers in one more week, so we will see what will happen. I honestly have no idea…but I am glad for everyday I have here in Brazil, I can’t believe how fast the days are flying by… what happened to November?

Ok, I am off to go buy some fruit!!
Eu amo voces!!
Sister Monroe

Happy Thanksgiving!

(from letter dated Nov. 20, 2006)
Truly, our week was filled with many small miracles- which was a great blessing because the week before last was a really tough week. But this past week was a lot better because we tried to teach more with members- and wow, it was so much better. There was one day in particular where it was so hot I have defiantly never been this hot in my whole life – I have also never sweat so much in my life – ha! But anyhow this day was amazing because we taught a new couple this morning – Mark and Jislaine, that I know had been prepared for us. It’s pretty interesting because I remember talking to Marcus the first time – I was in the other end of the city – and I’m pretty sure it was with Sister McAlister. Anyway, he was sitting in a car and I felt prompted to stop- and gave him a pass along card and talked with him a lot, but I never followed up because he lives in a whole different area of the city- an area I had never been because it is a bit far. Anyhow, he called to receive the free video, and so we walked WAY out to his house Saturday morning and wow they’re awesome.
This couple is so special – the wife Jislaine was so animated and excited it felt like I was meeting a long lost friend! So we will continue to work with them.

Then, after this lesson we had a lesson with Jorge & Maria Luisa- (Maria Luisa is a woman that Sister McAllister and I taught; and she was already for baptism- had the interview and everything, and then changed her mind.) Anyway, it was so sad to see how her life has gotten worse because she rejected the gospel. She read the whole Book of Mormon, She knows it is true – but she just can’t accept that Joseph Smith is a prophet. Sad. But anyhow we had lunch with her family and Jorge (her son who is a member) is having problems and ended up being kind of a Bible Bash at first – which I hate. But Sister R. Silva was awesome – she used the scriptures with power – and a situation that was awful, really changed. We were able to read a whole chapter of the Book of Mormon with power, and bear testimony of prophets. The spirit was strong- I don’t know if helped them – but it was a huge testimony to me to be bold in my testimony.

Then after this lesson we walked to the absolute end of the city- an hour walk – if you walk fast, (which we do) But the spirit was so strong with us – and we walked in amazing time – in the absolute hottest weather EVER. Anyways – there we had a really special lesson with an amazing member here- Conceigao. This was a referral of hers, and I know the spirit was there because I spoke Portuguese perfectly – it was the easiest lesson I have ever given in the mission field. It was awesome. And Conceigao’s friends were excited to learn, and so we will see how they progress.

So, anyhow after this lesson we returned back t the city and had a baptismal interview with Irma Rosa…we really struggled with her this week- one day she wanted baptism, the next day she didn’t. So this has truly been a fight to help her, but she passed the baptismal interview and seemed ready to accept baptism.

So, we had other lessons that night – But really Saturday was an awesome day – and the spirit was so strong with us. I was afraid that after such a good day that Sunday would be a huge fight – but the Lord really blessed us and we had a great day. Irma Rosa changed her mind once more, but we were able to help her understand why baptism was important, and we had a special baptism for her. It was awesome to see the spirit work with her – and she truly was touched and moved by the baptism.

Another awesome thing – it has been such a privilege to see the Branch here in Porto Ferreira grow. Yesterday, we had more people at church then I had ever seen while here…and it was so beautiful to see how peoples lives are changed during this time…Jefferson passed the sacrament to Paulo & Naraia- a beautiful, beautiful thing to see. It is interesting to think it’s only been a month or so for this family- but too see the light that has grown in their eyes and the change has been remarkable. And to see Irmao Giraldo, who is having health problems, and was hospitalized this week, and to see him at church the very next day and to see him so excited to be there was awesome! He performed the baptism of Rosa – and it was awesome to see him honor his priesthood.

Also, when he was in the hospital, He talked to every nurse, doctor and other patients about the church. When we went to visit him in the Hospital, we expected to help him, but there he was, sick, and giving us references. That is the spirit of missionary work!!!

Anyways...I’ve blabbed on and on long enough…but it is hard to believe time is passing so quickly here. I truly can’t believe it is almost December. I feel so privileged to have this chance to be here- to have this chance to fight for the Lord- at times it is hard, but then I remember who I am fighting for – and it’s all worth it.This gospel is awesome – and it is worth any sacrifice. I love you all-

Com Muito Amor,
Sister Monroe

Making Up (Letter from Oct. 30, 2006)

Ok, so I am pretty sure I wrote the worst blog letter this week and so I am making up for it now.
This week I had lots of highs and lots of lows. First for the usual funny and random tidbit, a lot of the children in the ward have taken up calling me Sister Moroni. Ha-ha How’s that for a creative name…I like this one a lot because Moroni was a pretty awesome name to live up to.

Ok…So I think I’ll go through my week so you can get a feel for how it went…so here it goes;

Segunda –Feira (Monday):
We are teaching an awesome lady named Rosa- and we taught her about the Sabbath. An interesting tidbit is that in Portuguese, the word for day of rest is sabado- which , unfortunately is the same word as Saturday…and so a lot of people think that the day of the Lord is Saturday. We have to explain this a lot and that Christ was resurrected on Sunday. Ha, ha, ha. (etc,etc) anyways, Rosa is awesome. Afterwards, we taught Paulo and familia and made pancakes with maple syrup with a member…two things which the people find strange here, maple especially.

Terca Feira (Tuesday):
Every Tuesday morning we travel to another city, Pirassanunga and have district meetings. We have a really strange district because we have the only couple from a South American country- I don’t remember where. So yeah we have a couple us sisters, the district leaders and zone leaders in our district- so it is awesome! We have a lot of fun- and get a lot of work done too! So Tuesday we return home, eat lunch with a member and then taught a really old couple who are so awesome- but its so sad again, to see how alcohol can turn any happy situation horrible-wow- and the man Davi really wants to leave alcohol behind but said he just can’t find the power-we gave him a book of Mormon and promised there was power in this book. Tuesday was an awesome day, and we taught a lot of people this day!

Quarta Feira (Wednesday):
Taught tons of people…Oh wait, that’s what we do everyday! It’s such a blessing to be in a country where people always want to hear a message about Christ and pretty much accept the Book of Mormon is true; it’s just trying to convince them to act on this knowledge and pray about Joseph Smith. I have really gained a testimony of the restoration- because without this our message would be different. We taught Maria Luisa again- a woman I have been teaching since my first day here in Porto Ferreira- it’s quite a sad story, she is so smart, and has read the whole Book of Mormon but doesn’t want to pray to know if it’s true…and doesn’t understand why she has to have a testimony of Joseph Smith…and so to her, she doesn’t see the importance of gaining a testimony or of going to church. Going to church helps us get closer to the Lord. So we continue to struggle with her. But unfortunately she doesn’t want to humble herself to ask…it’s interesting and sad, seeing people who know, who have been touched by the spirit, but reject it anyway.

Quinta Feria (Thursday):
We spent this morning in our Casa and planned out the week…we do this every Thursday- and it’s so great to have a plan… even when we find ourselves running to appointments, or home at night almost every single day. It’s crazy and awesome! We taught a man named Andre…he is really involved in another church, but he knows this church is false…we are trying to help him develop the courage to read the Book of Mormon. He is coming along slowly…but again it makes me so happy as our mission Presidents wife said,” and the good news is…you picked the right church!”
Ha-ha, but really, I feel so grateful to feel my testimony growing each day- becoming more and more unshakable…I am amazed at how simple, and yet so strengthening the gospel is…but it’s true that through the small things comes grand blessings and miracles.

Sexta Feira (Friday):
I guess I could write a little bit more about lunch- we have lunch with members almost everyday- but about seven times a month we have to cook for ourselves, which at times is an adventure. But we always skip dinner- and so lunch has come to be quite important to me…it’s always rice, beans, many times some meat… and salads of just tomato, or cucumber, carrots and jicama which are rising to one of my favorite vegetables. But we eat here alot of vegetables and fruits they don’t have in America…one that is way good is xhuxhu (like shoe-shoe) and fruit of the condie. Yum. I’d describe what it’s like, but I don’t know how to explain it.

Sabado- (Saturday):
We taught some awesome lessons with Marlena – a member here that was inactive when I arrived. Her husband Geraldo received the priesthood last Sunday – and I found such joy in seeing them progress in the gospel…Marlena bore a powerful testimony that moved us all to tears. She challenged our investigators for us. How awesome! It is always so much more moving for investigators to hear a testimony from a member. This afternoon we also taught Paulo, Naiara and Micaela, and Jefferson and just this whole gang. Jefferson had his baptismal interview and was super excited!! We are continuing to prepare Paulo for baptism I am hoping his will be soon – he wants to be baptized so badly! We are just trying to work other things out. A way funny thing is that we have become a bit of a celebrity in Naiara’s neighborhood…on Saturday we ended up teaching a lesson to about 12-15 kids who followed us around asking us questions about America. I guess that is a sigh my Portuguese is improving because I understood them and responded! Wahoo!

Domingo (Sunday):
This was the last day of election, which gave a lot of our investigators an “excuse” for why they couldn’t come to church. But we had another “luta” (fight) with the adversary. Anyways, we had 6 investigators at church, which was so exciting. I taught principles of the gospel…oh and it was on eternal marriage…I told the story about my good friend Jennifer Sabin (now Satley!) and of course cried a little as I told about being there to see her get married. The spirit was really strong, and I felt happy that I am being blessed more and more every day to speak better and testify with the spirit. And then after church we had Jefferson’s baptism which was really special – He really just glowed, and when the Branch President talked to him about the priesthood, Jefferson got really, really excited! And Later that night we celebrated his baptism, and the whole family was just so excited…it has been so awesome to see this family changing, slowly. They still have a bit of a fight ahead, I just hope we can help them get started…Naiara & Miquela also received the Holy Ghost, which was so beautiful… I almost love this part of baptism more! Ha –ha. Once again – we ran home this night, and as always, the Lord carries us home or stops the clock for us so we can make it home by 9:30. All these small miracles happen so often in our lives- it is so awesome to see the Lord’s hands in the details of our lives. And that brings us up to today…WE have spent our p-day in Rebeirao Preto, and I hope we make it home in time for our appointments.

But, I had the best surprise of my life today as we visited the mission office and I had TONS of birthday cards and packages waiting for me. I was moved beyond words…and these honestly came at a perfect time…2 weeks ago, on my birthday – I didn’t really need these cards, but today, wow, I was just so overwhelmed and grateful to receive these! For reasons I can’t describe, I had a tough moment this past week, so these cards and packages meant so much! Thank you!

Lastly, just want to say that I am so grateful for every principle of the gospel. In these small principles, as we follow these seemingly small things – we will find more happiness and peace than we can ever imagine.

I love you all – I can’t say my thoughts are with you- ha-ha – because they honestly aren’t. They are here in Brazil – But I do pray for you, and I love you more than words can say – and I know the Lord is blessing each of you more than you know!

Con Amor,
Sister Melanie Monroe